Trend Router Cutter to Suit 15mm Intumescent StripTrend

SKU: 576324

Trend Router Cutter to Suit 15mm Intumescent Strip



34 in stock

Save time when fitting intumescent strips by using the router cutter


£30.65each+ VAT
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This product is rated 4.6 out of 5 by other customers

Nice clean cut!

I used this on a recent job where I had to router a load of intumescent strips. Made the job quick and easy but mostly neatly.

4 years ago

Perfect item

Making jobs so much easier than before we had this product

5 years ago

Great Cutter

This makes grooving out for intumescent strips so easy. Much better than a 15mm cutter and having to balance on the edge of the door. Having the integral bearing for depth guidance make it so easy.

5 years ago

About this product

  • Save time when fitting intumescent strips by using the router cutter
  • Neatly cuts consistent grooves on doors and frames to make fitting strips easier and quicker
  • Suitable for 15mm intumescent strips
  • Bearing guide ensures the correct 4mm depth and 15mm width is always achieved to meet Fire Regulations
  • PTFE coating to minimise heat and resin build up for increased cutter performance and longevity
  • 1/4" shank

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