Door & Casement Friction Limiting Stay - Satin Chrome

SKU: 387346

Door & Casement Friction Limiting Stay - Satin Chrome



178 in stock

Excellent choice for open out doors, particularly in windy locations


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This product is rated 4.1 out of 5 by other customers

Door closer

Neat looks if a bit " heavy ". Delivered very quickly from ordering.

3 years ago

Works a treat

Needed to stop an internal door over swinging. After much searching this looked like it would do the job.. Was not wrong, having inverted the door bracket, the whole assembly is unobtrusive and the adjustable friction prevents the door free swinging and stressing the hinges and door shut (previously splitting the door). Perfect and aesthetically acceptable solution

7 years ago

About this product

  • Excellent choice for open out doors, particularly in windy locations
  • Helps reduce risk of damage when the door is forcibly thrown open or the wind catches it
  • Very strong and simple in design, fit and function
  • Simply fix in a position at the head of the door that allows opening to the desired angle, fix in place and then adjust the friction at the pivot point
  • Screws not included

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