The surprisingly interesting history of WD-40

The surprisingly interesting history of WD-40

12th October 2023

The surprisingly interesting history of WD-40

WD-40 has been an iconic staple everywhere from domestic households to large construction sites, trusted by many for a multitude of purposes. But when this essential product is sat in a cupboard or in your tool kit, have you ever thought about the history behind it that got WD-40 to where it is today?

Company Logo


Where did it all begin?

The formula for WD-40 was first developed by the Rocket Chemical Company (later renamed to the WD-40 Company) in San Diego in 1953. Various individuals have been credited for the invention over the years, but sources appear to confirm that it was Iver Norman Lawson that invented the initial formula while attempting to prevent corrosion in his domestic projects, while company president Norman B Larsen that came up with the idea of selling the product in an aerosol format, and to market the product as a water-displacing formula, which is the process that prevents corrosion.

Selling the formula

Before WD-40 became the instantly recognisable product it is today, Iver Norman Lawson sold the formula to Norman B Larsen for a mere $500, which as of 2022, is still only $5,500. WD-40 was made available to consumers in 1958, and made a new consumer product in 1961. The product going to market was the starting point of consumers realising the true potential and versatility of the formula.

It seems that Larsen’s initial $500 investment in Lawson’s formula paid off, with the WD-40 Company’s revenue sitting at $518 million as of 2021.

The uses of WD-40

Following on from its introduction as a new consumer product in the early 1960’s, by 1965, WD-40 was being used by two popular US airlines, Delta and United, for the maintenance of both their Boeing 720 and DC-8 aircrafts.

In the UK, by the late 1960’s, WD-40 was being advertised to farmers and mechanics to help maintain their equipment and keep it in good working order.

In today’s modern landscape, the WD-40 Company have ensured that their customers know just how versatile their product is, so much so that you can find an entire document claiming over 2000 uses for the product, broken down in to categories including construction, home & garden, hobby & crafts and even sports & recreation.

While there are a number of uses for WD-40, one thing it is not to be used for is medical treatments. It is a myth that has circulated a number of times, that spraying WD-40 on stiff joints will help relieve or even cure the pain associated with arthritis.

This is absolutely false, but WD-40 were asked about it so many times, that they display the following statement on their website:

“Myth: WD-40 Multi-Use Product cures arthritis.

Fact: This popular headline, appearing at least once a year in the tabloids, is completely FALSE. WD-40 Company does not recommend the use of WD-40 Multi-Use Product for medical purposes, and knows no reason why WD-40 Multi-Use Product would be effective for arthritis pain relief. WD-40 Multi-Use Product contains petroleum distillates and should be handled with the same precautions for any product containing this type of material.”¹


The secrecy behind WD-40

While other products have had to adapt and change their formulations over the years to keep up with their competition, WD-40’s formula has remained unchanged since 1953.

The WD-40 Company is so protective of their prized product, a number of steps have been taken to ensure that any written versions of the formula remains a secret.

The copy of the formula, which was written on a notepad in pencil, has been locked away from years, and has only left a highly secure environment twice. The first time was in 2003, for WD-40’s 50th anniversary, which involved the CEO of the WD-40 Company, Garry Ridge, dressing in a full suit of chain mail, riding a horse through Times Square.

The second time was in 2018, when the formula was moved to a vault inside the Bank of America. Once again, Garry Ridge was heavily involved in the transportation process, which included having the formula handcuffed to him while being escorted to the vault in an armoured car.

The WD-40 Company is so intent on keeping the formula a secret, it was never patented, but luckily, the window of opportunity to patent the formula closed years ago, so the threat from competition is no longer a concern.

The company claims that only one person knows the exact composition of the famous formula.


What does WD-40 mean?

The meaning behind he WD-40 name is simple, due to the fact that it is a water displacing product, the WD part of WD-40 stands for Water Displacement. As for the 40, this is said to be an indication of how many attempts it took for the company to get the formula exactly right.


Water Displacement – 40th Formula


Next time you pull out a can of WD-40 for your next domestic or commercial project, you’ll think again about where it started, the impact it has had on multiple industries, as well as the steps the company are willing to take to keep their formula top secret. If you need to stock up, you can shop our range of WD-40 products here.



