5 summer security tips for businesses

5 summer security tips for businesses

8th June 2023

5 summer security tips for businesses

The increased temperatures and generally more relaxed atmosphere that the summer months tend to bring can result in a more relaxed attitude towards security measures. But for businesses, especially those that use or stock high value items, this is the season to remain just as vigilant, maybe even more so.

Company Logo


With this in mind, we’ve put together our top five tips for any business owner to ensure their premises is protected and secure around this time and beyond.

Be aware of big events

The summer months are often the preferred time to host large scale events, particularly in more populous areas.

While many may think this would mean more witnesses to a potential crime, the level of distraction that these events often bring provides the perfect opportunity for burglars to go unnoticed.

Therefore, it is important to monitor any events like these that may be occurring, remain observant during the events, and tightening up security measures and processes accordingly.

Make sure all employees are trained

This time of year is often taken advantage of by businesses to recruit temporary staff and work experience hopefuls, which means bringing in people that are unaware of how your security systems operate, as well as any other security related procedures.

No matter how temporary any staff members employment may be, it is vital that they are adequately trained in your security measures, as it only takes one mistake when activating a system or one missed step in a procedure to create a huge opportunity for a break-in.

Inform your security company of changes

Many businesses opt for a level of security known as Remote Monitoring, in which a building is monitored 24/7 by external staff, which in the event of an incident, will either contact you, or the appropriate emergency services.

While this is an extremely effective security method, false alarms can be a common occurrence and can waste a lot of valuable time, especially if the solution is as simple as informing your remote monitoring provider of any changes.

Information that your provider needs to be made aware of include recruiting new staff, any staff that leave, a change in business hours, or a change in any other procedure that could interfere with the security system.

Invest in high quality door locks

One of the fundamental parts of a secure business is a high quality door lock that is equipped with features designed to withstand even the most aggressive or sophisticated attack.

A door lock that is approved and certified by British Standards (BS) will give you peace of mind that your property is being protected with the gold standard of door hardware. Better still, if you opt for a 5 lever lock as opposed to a 3 lever option, the risk of key duplication is minimised.

For a high security solution for high traffic areas, consider investing in the Hampstead BS8621 Euro Sashlock & Thumbturn, which is packed full of additional features that offer peace of mind and a strong defence against intrusion.

This Sashlock is equipped to deal with simple methods of attack such as lock picking and physical force thanks to its security escutcheon and anti-drill plates, and its 60 minute fire rating as well as various heavy duty components ensures that your business is protected against larger scale and more sophisticated methods too.

Euro Sashlock

Install window restrictors

If your business does not have the luxury of an air conditioning system, the next best option is to rely on the natural breeze from opening windows.

However, the statistics surrounding what are known as “walk-in” burglaries in both homes and businesses, particularly in the summer months, are particularly worrying.

Research conducted by John Lewis Home Insurance states that: “Almost 60% of the 1,000 UK residents surveyed admitted never locking their downstairs windows, with one in five going on to say they leave their homes with the downstairs windows open.”.¹

When it comes to businesses, if staff are coming and going throughout the day and leaving the windows open, this poses a significant risk, but this is where Window Restrictors are particularly useful.

In particular, the Jackloc Pro-5 Cable Window Restrictor is tested to the most stringent of standards to ensure that any window is protected to the highest standards.

Easy to install and compatible with a number of window frames, this Window Restrictor has been cut tested to 3,600N, which is equal to over 360kg in force, as well as being impact tested to 50kg. It is durable, reliable, and most importantly, extremely secure.

Window Restrictor

An efficient, effective and high quality security system is a fundamental part of the smooth operation of any business, and being aware of the risks and installing or upgrading certain aspects of your system will help to achieve this. Whether you’re looking for various types of Door Locks, Window Restrictors, or any other safety and security products, you’ll find what you need to keep your business safe within our range.






